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Graduate Students

Jacob Kysar













Jacob is an MS student in the Department of Human Physiology and a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Anatomy. Jacob received his BS in Kinesiology with a specialization in Sport Psychology while graduating at the top of his class from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. Jacob’s research interests include: postural restoration, neurophysiology and physics.

Mark Bogost











Mark Bogost is an MS student in the Department of Human Physiology and a Graduate Teaching Fellow for physiology. He received his BA from the University of California, Davis and is currently interested in the neurophysiology of acute and chronic effects of traumatic brain injury.

Mike McGeehan













Mike McGeehan is a PhD student from Moscow, ID.  He received a BA in Exercise Science from Willamette University and is currently a Graduate Teaching Fellow in the UO Department of Human Physiology. His research interests include the sensory control of balance and gait and how neural/cognitive deficits may alter the system.  A long term goal of Mike is to translate his research to improvements in the neural control of prosthetics.